David Gray Concert

Last night I went with a couple friends, Ryan and Jason, to a David Gray concert in Salt Lake. Wow, was it fun! David Gray is a great artist with real musical talent. He wore his signature suit while he pounded away at the piano, strummed on his guitar and sang his heart out, all without breaking a sweat. I really like how his lyrics are so full of feeling and the instruments really add to the whole experience. It was nice because the venue, Kingsbury Hall, is really not that big and more intimate. We had great seats. Here are a couple of my favorites: This Year's Love and Babylon. If you aren't familiar with David Gray, I highly recommend you look him up and start listening!


Ryan Bytheway said...

Good times.

Sarah Ward said...

Can't believe I missed the David Gray concert! I LOVE his music. Bummer. Next time :)